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What is the Indie Music Academy all about?

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My name is Ryan Waczek and I'm the founder of the Indie Music Academy.

Welcome! I'm glad you are here!

Do you ever ask yourself these questions?

  • How do I get my music noticed?
  • How do I get my fans to buy into what I'm doing more?
  • How can I impress managers and agents?
  • How do I bring more exposure and visibility to my music?
  • How can I eventually make money and do music full-time?

If you think about these questions night and day (like I did) you've come to the right place!

The Indie Music Struggle...

Whether you are just starting out with your music, or you have multiple releases under your belt... one thing is true:

You want your music to reach a wider fanbase and NOT spend your entire life savings funding what the world believes to be an "expensive hobby."

The world wants you to believe that music is just an "expensive hobby" because other artists ARE spending their life savings but not getting results.

You and I both understand that making music isn't just a pass time. But many years ago I was exactly in the place you are now. I had no strategy for my music, only frustration.

And countless times I've seen my artists friends spend upwards of $20,000 dollars hiring managers, gurus, and "producers" who promise them the world, only to run the other way after they cash the check.

I didn't want to get scammed, but I also didn't know where to turn!

I was so defeated that I ended up quitting music for 5 years. I needed to reset.

Have you ever felt so stuck that you didn't know where to turn for help? I felt like I needed the support of someone sitting over my shoulder to tell me where to turn. But I couldn't find anyone. So what did I do during that time? I bounced around from job to job, working at Starbucks as a barista, and then as a video editor at a surgery center (gross), and then eventually landing a steady gig as a musician at my local church.

But then, I got the fantastic opportunity to work at a brand new start-up in their marketing department. This was huge for me. I learned everything that's involved in creating a successful online business. And then I began to think: what if I could take these strategies and apply them to my music?

I studied marketing, learned from co-workers and experts, and eventually I found a process that could be used by musicians all over the world.

I worked as an online marketer by day, and then by night, I bought every music industry book, listened to every podcast, and attended every live panel discussion that I could about the latest marketing techniques of the music industry...and then things started to really change. I found a process that actually started to give results to the artists I worked with.

That's why I teach musicians how to turn their side-projects, into an income-generating side-hustle, and lay the foundations for a full-time career in music.

Transform music from a money-pit to a money-maker.

We are living in an unprecedented age. It has never been more affordable to create high-quality music and distribute it to the world.

You likely already own all the gear you need to make killer recordings since you can purchase a high-quality mic, an interface, and recording software for around the same as replacing tires on your car.

With amazing services like Distrokid, you can distribute unlimited music worldwide for about the price of lunch and a soda.

And if you don't know how to play guitar, or mix your own songs, you can hire an industry professional on to do it for you for the price of an NFL regular season ticket.

The point is, with nearly every obstacle being removed from the music-making process, why is it musicians still struggle to find success with their music? Why is it so hard to, at minimum, break-even?

The reason is painfully simple: with all of the creative obstacles removed for musicians today, the music market has never been more saturated. Sure you can make great music, but how will you...

  • Grow your fanbase beyond family and friends?
  • Get new fans to care about you?
  • Turn your creativity into a consistent income?

At the Indie Music Academy, we believe that the musicians who invest in business and marketing skills will rise to the top become noticed by record labels, music publishers, and fans alike.

The musicians that ignore this shift in the industry, and focus only on aimlessly creating with no framework in mind, will be stuck in the exact same place they are now.

Let me get you on the fast track to turning your music into a side-business.

The cool thing is that musicians just like you are already getting results.

My email subscribers get my best information absolutely free!

If you are someone who takes action and invests in themselves, then my material is for you!

There are no longer any excuses.

I have an interesting way of looking at the music industry. 

If you follow some simple business steps, put in consistent practice and effort to implement those techniques, it's only a matter of time before you have a thriving side-business with your music.

To help jumpstart your journey, I want to give you access to my free workshop.

It's a training that I give to all the artists I work with, and I want you to have it so that even if you decide not to invest in building a musical side-hustle, you can still be pointed in the right direction as you carve your musical path.

Let me know what email to send the training to and I'll see you soon!

Ryan Waczek
Your Virtual Artist Development Coach

Dive into Premium Video Training

Join music industry coach Ryan Waczek in his free training:

"How to Grow a Music Fanbase
…Even If Nobody’s Ever Heard of You"

  • Video 1: How to Use Spotify and Social Media to Blow up Your Fanbase and the Secret to Earning Their Trust After They Discover You
  • Video 2: My Exact Revenue Streams and Why Income Diversification Lets Me Do More with My Music Career
  • Video 3: Establishing Your Artist Brand and How to Create a Lasting Impact with Your Music
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